Monday, August 31, 2009

What's up after 40 years ?

Carolyn Chadburn Anderson
I am still living in Oak City, Utah. 7 of my children are married, 3 are attending college, and I have one at home that is a Jr. in High School. I am currently working as a Sp Ed Aid at Delta High School. We have 17 grandchildren and my husband works at Commercial Business Radio where he is self-employed. I feel so bad that I won't be able to attend, but appreciate all the efforts made to organize the reunion. Hope you enjoy Spud Day and that things go well.

Ernest Hicks
Ern and Sharla Hicks live and work in Anaheim, CA. We have 3 children, a daughter Traci and sons, Adam and Ruel. All are married and have children. We enjoy having 4 beautiful granddaughters and 1 good looking grandson. Three live in So. CA and we spend as much time as possible at Big Bear Lake on a 25' pontoon boat and at the family cabin. I purchased the first of three tax practices almost 20 years ago. Traci works with me as our bookkeeper and my son Adam and I are practicing Enrolled Agents, preparing taxes for individuals, corporations, trusts, etc.

As a family we enjoy cruises, Nascar races, and mountain bike support for Traci and her husband which takes us all over So. Calif and one week a year in Moab, Utah. Sharla has been a quilter for many years and has her own on-line retail quilt store, which specializes in supplies for the embellishment quilter.

Beverly D. Pickett
I am living in Helena, Montana and have been for 32 years. I have recently retired as a Speech-Language Pathologist for the Helena School District, but have gone back to work for the district one-third time to help with Assistive Technology for non verbal students. I am married. I have two children. My daughter just recently graduated from USC with a Master's Degree from the School of Cinema -tic Arts and is living in Los Angeles. My son is in his second year of a graduate program at UC Santa Barbara. I am enjoying my semi-retirement by working on an old house, trying to learn how to golf, and catching up on some reading. I had so much fun at the 30th reunion but am sorry I will not be able to make this one. Have Fun.

Ann Kelley & Randy Harris
Randy and I are disappointed that we'll miss the reunion this month. It would have been especially fun to see everyone. The attached picture of our family was taken last summer and since then we have 3 new grand babies for a total of 14. We love living in New York where we have been the past 7 years. Our 5 children and their families are scattered from California to Boston to North Carolina to Budapest. We hope the reunion is a great success and we'll be at the 50th for sure.

Val Allred
My wife Susan and I live in Hidden Valley Lake, CA. That is about 100 miles north of San Francisco. We both work about an hour away from home and so we commute together daily. We have lived in No. Calif. for the past 33 years. We have 4 children, one in Junction City, Kansas, one in West Jordan, UT, one in Farmington, NM and one in Rio Rancho, NM. We have 11 grandchildren but being so spread out, we don't get to see them often enough. We do try to get together for Thanksgiving each year. We had that put in the marriage prenuptial. LOL...
We have 3 dogs, a Wirehaired Miniature Daschund, a Pug, and a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. They do keep life interesting. We recently took a little road trip to see the kids and grand kids and took the dogs with us on our 3000 mile journey covering parts of 6 states.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the reunion. I have not been to Spud Day since 1970 and my wife has never been. See you there. Val

Vicki Dyet Evelyn
Hello to all my forever friends from still rainy Florida! I was home in Idaho all summer, but really saw only my family -- Kent's still a brat, just an old one now. We've started the school year here in Orlando already, so I won't be able to make it all the way back for our reunion. I think it's pretty special that we'd still even want to get together after ALL these years! If you do come to central Florida (Mickeyland), please give me a call. In the mean time, I send you each and everyone my best wishes for luck, love, and happiness. God Bless. Vicki
PS or find me on Facebook. Great blog Mary Lynne! You're the best, I still miss my Musketeers -- Kathy, Theresa, MarShan, Avalon, Marne', Wow, how'd we get so old? Lots of Love. Have Fun.

Rex Thomas
Hi...from an old classmate. Bet you thought I fell off the planet but not so! Living in Morgan, UT with my wife Colleen. She is from Blackfoot where we met when I was a Senior and my parents moved to the Blackfoot area. We are long time best friends that have been through all life could throw at us during 38 years of marriage. We have 3 boys and 2 girls all married. Two live only 2 blocks away so grand kids are in and out daily; two live in nearby Ogden, and one is in New York.
I graduated from Utah State in 1976 and spent 6 years in the Idaho National Guard. I worked as an Associate Editor for a Hunting Magazine in Los Angeles and then was hired by Browning here in Morgan as their Public Relations Spc. That opened the door to freelance magazine writing and I did that for many years selling to all kinds of hunting, fishing, and firearm magazines. For the past 15 years, I've been working full time for the National Rifle Association as a Field Rep. I do extensive traveling, which will prevent me from attending the reunion this year. I was so looking forward to seeing what's happening with old friends and class members. I saw Julie Eaton McGrath several months ago and she looked great. Does anyone know where Doug Christensen is?

Theresa Niemeier Walters
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend, but I am sure you will have a good time. I was just in Idaho Falls in August visiting my folks. I saw Maureen Ottley at the doctor's office and chatted with her for over an hour. I also ran into Val Allred on a plane trip this past spring.
To catch you up with me, Buddy and I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. He works for Ingersoll-Rand as a sales manager and I have had my own consulting business for 13 years. I work with businesses to win multi-million dollar contracts from the government, so I stay very busy and travel quite a bit. Buddy and I celebrated our 30 year wedding anniversary this past summer and we spoil our nieces and nephews way too much. I hope the reunion is a success, I was co-chairman for my college sorority (class of 73) this summer in Moscow. It involved much time and effort, but it was very memorable and fun. Anyway, take care and good luck.

Randy Hobbs

I'm sorry that I will not be able to attend our 40 year reunion. As it turns out, I have other commitments. It would have been good to see all of you and catch up on each of your lives. Wow! did forty years go by quickly! I have many fond memories of my high school days. I feel blessed having had many good friends and having grown up among so many good people. No matter where I travel or who I meet in my life, I never forget my roots. Thank your for accepting me all those years ago and allowing me to "rub shoulders" with you.

I hope that each of you that either read or hear this message from me will know that you have each helped to touch my life in a positive way. Please enjoy this reunion for me and remember that I am proud to have known each of you. And allow me to add my voice to yours from a distance: "We are neat. We are fine. We're the class of 69".

Debbie and I separated some 3 1/2 years ago and finally were divorced in February of this year. I continue to wish Debbie and her family the very best. We were blessed with five wonderful children who are all happily married with families of their own. We have 13 grandchildren with surely more on the way in time. Our posterity each honor us by living productive and good Christ-like lives. I work for the Utah Department of Health in Provo as a dentist serving those who are on some type of government assistance. It is a rewarding job and I enjoy it. As they say though, I am often "down in the mouth". In truth it is a good opportunity to help others and make a good living as well. I met a wonderful woman here in Orem and we have been dating for some 6 months now. We have plans to get married soon.

I hope that in time I will have an opportunity to look up many of you and remember the "good old days". Please feel free to contact me or come visit me if you are ever in this area. I believe this will be my home for a long time. After getting married, I will move in with my new wife, Kathy. Our address will be 74 No Palisades Dr. Orem, UT 84097. My best to each of you and your families and loved ones. May God bless you and fill each of your lives with happiness and peace.

Your fellow class-mate and friend, Randy

Kim Risenmay

Tammy and I have been very blessed. In the 33 years we have been married, we have raised seven children. Our oldest three daughters are all married and making careers out of supporting their husbands while they finish college and get started in their careers. Our oldest two daughters, Ann Hiatt and LaDawn Jentzsch, both work at Google headquarters in Mountain View, CA. One son-in-law, Brent Jentzsch graduated from the Academy of Arts University in San Francisco last year with a degree in animation and special effects. He is now working at his first post-graduate job for a small animation studio. The other son-in-law, Keith Hiatt just graduated from law school at the University of California in Berkley and is finishing his Ph.D. Our third daughter Candice Sanders works as an interior designer in Bellingham, Washington while her husband Scott completes the last year of his MBA at Western Washington. Our 4th daughter is divorced with a 3 year old son and lives with us while she completes her bachelors degree via an extension course from Wash. State. Out two sons are both on LDS missions. Reed will return home from Sao Paulo, Brazil in November and Blake is now in the MTC in Provo and will be going to Lisbon, Portugal. Then, after a 10 year gap, we have our youngest daughter Mickayla who is starting 4th grade. We have 3 grandchildren & one on the way (2 grand daughters Brooklynn Alyssa age 8, and Lillian Grace age 2 and 1 grandson William Patrick age 4. Three years ago I took early retirement from my tax practice at the PricewaterhouseCoopers accounting firm due to some health problems. After a couple of years of recovery while I worked part time as an attorney, last year I returned to full time work at the Stoel Rives law firm in Seattle. It is a good firm and I enjoy my tax practice here. Given the fact that we have a 9 year old daughter, I suppose I will need to keep working another 12 years or so before I can truly afford to retire for good. Me being out of the home and at the office all day probably improves our marriage since my wife doesn't have to deal with me under foot in the house all day.

I hope life has treated you well and I will look forward to seeing all of you at the reunion. Sincerely, Kim

(*note: Kim's wife was unable to attend due to the loss of her Mother in July and also just learning that her father is in the final stages of colon cancer. Kim came to the reunion with his 9 yr. old daughter. It may have been her 1st Spud Day.*)

1 comment:

  1. Vicki Dyet Evelyn. Hello to all my forever friends from still rainy Florida! I was home in Idaho all summer, but really saw only my family--Kent's still a brat, just an old one now. We've started the school year here in Orlando already, so I won't be able to make it all the way back for our reunion. I think it's pretty special that we'd still even want to get together after ALL these years! If you do come to central Florida (Mickeyland), please give me a call. In the meantime, I send you each and every one my best wishes for luck, love, and happiness. God Bless. Vicki
    P.S. or find me on Facebook. GREAT blog, MaryLynne! You're the best. I still miss my musketeers--Kathy, Theresa, MarShan, Avalon, Marne...--Wow, how'd we get so old? Lots of Love. Have fun.

